Publicaciones sobre Neumonía de miembros de SEPAR:
- Factors influencing long-term urvival after hospitalization with pneumococcal pneunmonia. Ruiz LA, Serrano L, España PP, Martinez-Indart L, Gómez A, Uranga A, Castro S, Artaraz A, Zalacain R. J Infect. 2019 Nov 5. pii: S0163-4453(19)30338-X. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2019.10.024. [Epub ahead of print]
- Economic analysis of ceftaroline fosamil for treating community-acquired pneumonia in Spain. Torres A, Bassetti M, Welte T, Rivolo S, Remak E, Peral C, Charbonneau C, Hammond J, Ansari W, Grau S. J Med Econ. 2019 Nov 5:1. doi: 10.1080/13696998.2019.1688819. [Epub ahead of print].
- Early and late cardiovascular events in admitted patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Aldás I, Méndez R, Torres A, Almirall J, España PP, Mir I, Zalacaín R, Vendrell M, Rajas O, Borderías L, Menéndez R.Arch Bronconeumol. 2019 Oct. (En prensa).
- Effect of Corticosteroids on C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia and High Inflammatory Response: The Effect of Lymphopenia. Torres A, Ceccato A, Ferrer M, Gabarrus A, Sibila O, Cilloniz C, Mendez R, Menendez R, Bermejo-Martin J, Niederman MS. J Clin Med. 2019 Sep 13;8(9). pii: E1461. doi: 10.3390/jcm8091461.
- Simultaneous Depression of Immunological Synapse and Endothelial Injury is Associated with Organ Dysfunction in Community-Acquired Pneumonia.Menéndez R, Méndez R, Almansa R, Ortega A, Alonso R, Suescun M, Ferrando A, Feced L, Bermejo-Martin JF. J Clin Med. 2019 Sep 6;8(9). pii: E1404. doi: 10.3390/jcm8091404.
- Neutrophil Count Percentage and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as Prognostic Markers in Patients Hospitalized for Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Curbelo J, Rajas O, Arnalich B, Galván-Román JM, Luquero-Bueno S, Ortega-Gómez M, Lancho A, Roy E, Sánchez Azofra A, Mateo Jiménez G, Gómez M, Moldenhauer F, Aspa J. Arch Bronconeumol. 2019 Sep;55(9):472-477. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2019.02.005. Epub 2019 Mar 23. English, Spanish
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia Patients at Risk for Early and Long-term Cardiovascular Events Are Identified by Cardiac Biomarkers. Menéndez R, Méndez R, Aldás I, Reyes S, Gonzalez-Jimenez P, España PP, Almirall J, Alonso R, Suescun M, Martinez-Dolz L, Torres A. Chest. 2019 Aug 2. pii: S0012-3692(19)31392-3. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.06.040.
- Pure Viral Sepsis Secondary to Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults: Risk and Prognostic Factors. Cillóniz C, Dominedò C, Magdaleno D, Ferrer M, Gabarrús A, Torres A. J Infect Dis. 2019 Aug 30;220(7):1166-1171. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz257.
- Social Determinants of Community-acquired Pneumonia: Differences by Age Groups. Méndez-Brich M, Serra-Prat M, Palomera E, Vendrell E, Morón N, Boixeda R, Cabré M, Almirall J. Arch Bronconeumol. 2019 Aug;55(8):447-449. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2018.12.012. Epub 2019 Feb 28. English, Spanish. No abstract available.
- Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia: a multinational point prevalence study of hospitalised patients.Restrepo MI, Babu BL, Reyes LF, Chalmers JD, Soni NJ, Sibila O, Faverio P, Cilloniz C, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Aliberti S; GLIMP. EurRespir J. 2018 Aug 9;52(2). pii: 1701190. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01190-2017. Print 2018 Aug.
- Impact of Cefotaxime Non-susceptibility on the Clinical Outcomes of Bacteremic Pneumococcal Pneumonia.Cillóniz C, de la Calle C, Dominedò C, García-Vidal C, Cardozo C, Gabarrús A, Marco F, Torres A, Soriano A. J Clin Med. 2019 Aug 1;8(8). pii: E1150. doi: 10.3390/jcm8081150.
- Prevalence and risk factors for Enterobacteriaceae in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia.Villafuerte D, Aliberti S, Soni NJ, Faverio P, Marcos PJ, Wunderink RG, Rodriguez A, Sibila O, Sanz F, Martin-Loeches I, Menzella F, Reyes LF, Jankovic M, Spielmanns M, Restrepo MI; GLIMP Investigators. Respirology. 2019 Aug 5. doi: 10.1111/resp.13663. [Epub ahead of print]
- Human metapneumovirus as cause of severe community-acquired pneumonia in adults: insights from a ten-year molecular and epidemiological analysis. Vidaur L, Totorika I, Montes M, Vicente D, Rello J, Cilla G. Ann Intensive Care. 2019 Jul 24;9(1):86. doi: 10.1186/s13613-019-0559-y.
- Lymphopenic community-acquired pneumonia is associated with a dysregulated immune response and increased severity and mortality. Méndez R, Menéndez R, Amara-Elori I, Feced L, Piró A, Ramírez P, Sempere A, Ortega A, Bermejo-Martín JF, Torres A. J Infect. 2019 Jun;78(6):423-431. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2019.04.006. Epub 2019 Apr 6.
- Evolution of serotypes in bacteremic pneumococcal adult pneumonia in the period 2001-2014, after introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in bizkaia (spain). España PP, Uranga A, Ruiz LA, Quintana JM, Bilbao A, Aramburu A, Serrano L, Ayarza R, Martinez AP, Zalacain R. Vaccine. 2019 Jun 27;37(29):3840-3848. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.05.052. Epub 2019 May 29.
- Risk and Prognostic Factors in Very Old Patients with Sepsis Secondary to Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Cillóniz C, Dominedò C, Ielpo A, Ferrer M, Gabarrús A, Battaglini D, Bermejo-Martin J, Meli A, García-Vidal C, Liapikou A, Singer M, Torres A. J Clin Med. 2019 Jul 2;8(7). pii: E961. doi: 10.3390/jcm8070961.
- Lymphocytopenia as a Predictor of Mortality in Patients with ICU-Acquired Pneumonia. Ceccato A, Panagiotarakou M, Ranzani OT, Martin-Fernandez M, Almansa-Mora R, Gabarrus A, Bueno L, Cilloniz C, Liapikou A, Ferrer M, Bermejo-Martin JF, Torres A. J Clin Med. 2019 Jun 13;8(6). pii: E843. doi: 10.3390/jcm8060843.
- Impact of Lymphocyte and Neutrophil Counts on Mortality Risk in Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia with or without Septic Shock. Güell E, Martín-Fernandez M, De la Torre MC, Palomera E, Serra M, Martinez R, Solsona M, Miró G, Vallès J, Fernández S, Cortés E, Ferrer V, Morales M, Yébenes JC, Almirall J, Bermejo-Martin JF. J Clin Med. 2019 May 27;8(5). pii: E754. doi: 10.3390/jcm8050754.
- Effect of Combined β-Lactam/Macrolide Therapy on Mortality According to the Microbial Etiology and Inflammatory Status of Patients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Ceccato A, Cilloniz C, Martin-Loeches I, Ranzani OT, Gabarrus A, Bueno L, Garcia-Vidal C, Ferrer M, Niederman MS, Torres A. Chest. 2019 Apr;155(4):795-804. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.11.006. Epub 2018 Nov 22.
- Type 2 diabetes and postoperative pneumonia: An observational, population-based study using the Spanish Hospital Discharge Database, 2001-2015. López-de-Andrés A, Perez-Farinos N, de Miguel-Díez J, Hernández-Barrera V, Jiménez-Trujillo I, Méndez-Bailón M, de Miguel-Yanes JM, Jiménez-García R. PLoS One. 2019 Feb 6;14(2):e0211230. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211230. eCollection 2019.
- Corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with severe influenza pneumonia: a propensity score matching study. Moreno G, Rodríguez A, Reyes LF, Gomez J, Sole-Violan J, Díaz E, Bodí M, Trefler S, Guardiola J, Yébenes JC, Soriano A, Garnacho-Montero J, Socias L, Del Valle Ortíz M, Correig E, Marín-Corral J, Vallverdú-Vidal M, Restrepo MI, Torres A, Martín-Loeches I; GETGAG Study Group. Intensive Care Med. 2018 Sep;44(9):1470-1482. doi: 10.1007/s00134-018-5332-4. Epub 2018 Aug 3.
- Community-Acquired Legionella Pneumonia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Adult Patients: A Matched Case-Control Study. Cillóniz C, Miguel-Escuder L, Pedro-Bonet ML, Falcó V, Lopez Y, García-Vidal C, Gabarrús A, Moreno A, Torres A, Miró JM; Legionella-HIV Researchers. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug 31;67(6):958-961. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy314.
- Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia: a multinational point prevalence study of hospitalised patients. Restrepo MI, Babu BL, Reyes LF, Chalmers JD, Soni NJ, Sibila O, Faverio P, Cilloniz C, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Aliberti S; GLIMP. Eur Respir J. 2018 Aug 9;52(2). pii: 1701190. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01190-2017. Print 2018 Aug.
- Initial Inflammatory Profile in Community-acquired Pneumonia Depends on Time since Onset of Symptoms. Méndez R, Menéndez R, Cillóniz C, Amara-Elori I, Amaro R, González P, Posadas T, Gimeno A, España PP, Almirall J, Torres A. Am J RespirCrit Care Med. 2018 Aug 1;198(3):370-378. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201709-1908OC.
- Twenty-year trend in mortality among hospitalized patients with pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia. Cillóniz C, Liapikou A, Martin-Loeches I, García-Vidal C, Gabarrús A, Ceccato A, Magdaleno D, Mensa J, Marco F, Torres A. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 18;13(7):e0200504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200504. eCollection 2018.
- Oral health and risk of pneumonia in asthmatic pacients with inhaled treatment. Rodríguez F, Duran A, Muñoz Z, Palomera E, Serra-Prat M, Boixeda R, Vicente V, Almirall J. Med Clin (Barc). 2018 Jun 22;150(12):455-459. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2017.07.024. Epub 2017 Sep 23. English, Spanish.
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome in mechanically ventilated patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Cilloniz C, Ferrer M, Liapikou A, Garcia-Vidal C, Gabarrus A, Ceccato A, Puig de La Bellacasa J, Blasi F, Torres A. Eur Respir J. 2018 Mar 29;51(3). pii: 1702215. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02215-2017. Print 2018 Mar.
- Severe community-acquired pneumonia: Characteristics and prognostic factors in ventilated and non-ventilated patients. Ferrer M, Travierso C, Cilloniz C, Gabarrus A, Ranzani OT, Polverino E, Liapikou A, Blasi F, Torres A. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 25;13(1):e0191721. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191721. eCollection 2018.
- Effectiveness of combination therapy versus monotherapy with a third-generation cephalosporin in bacteraemic pneumococcal pneumonia: A propensity score analysis. De la Calle C, Ternavasio-de la Vega HG, Morata L, Marco F, Cardozo C, García-Vidal C, Del Rio A, Cilloniz C, Torres A, Martínez JA, Mensa J, Soriano A. J Infect. 2018 Apr;76(4):342-347. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2018.01.003. Epub 2018 Jan 31.
- Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and PaO2/FIO2 Diagnostic Accuracy: Changing the Paradigm? Ferrer M, Sequeira T, Cilloniz C, Dominedo C, Bassi GL, Martin-Loeches I, Torres A. J Clin Med. 2019 Aug 14;8(8). pii: E1217. doi: 10.3390/jcm8081217.
- Lymphocytopenia as a Predictor of Mortality in Patients with ICU-Acquired Pneumonia. Ceccato A, Panagiotarakou M, Ranzani OT, Martin-Fernandez M, Almansa-Mora R, Gabarrus A, Bueno L, Cilloniz C, Liapikou A, Ferrer M, Bermejo-Martin JF, Torres A. J Clin Med. 2019 Jun 13;8(6). pii: E843. doi: 10.3390/jcm8060843.
- Postoperative pneumonia among patients with and without COPD in Spain from 2001 to 2015. de Miguel-Díez J, López-de-Andrés A, Hernández-Barrera V, Jiménez-Trujillo I, Méndez-Bailón M, de Miguel-Yanes JM, Jiménez-García R. Eur J Intern Med. 2018 Jul;53:66-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.02.011. Epub 2018 Feb 13.
- Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor for the prediction of ventilator-associated pneumonia.van Oort PM, Bos LD, Póvoa P, Ramirez P, Torres A, Artigas A, Schultz MJ, Martin-Loeches I. ERJ Open Res. 2019 Mar 25;5(1). pii: 00212-2018. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00212-2018.
- Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic approaches for microbiological diagnosis of hospital-acquired pneumonia. Ranzani OT, Senussi T, Idone F, Ceccato A, Li Bassi G, Ferrer M, Torres A. Crit Care. 2019 Feb 18;23(1):51. doi: 10.1186/s13054-019-2348-2.
- Transcriptomic depression of immunological synapse as a signature of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Almansa R, Nogales L, Martín-Fernández M, Batlle M, Villareal E, Rico L, Ortega A, López-Campos G, Andaluz-Ojeda D, Ramírez P, Socias L, Tamayo L, Vallés J, Bermejo-Martín JF, Martín-Loeches I. Ann Transl Med. 2018 Nov;6(21):415. doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.05.12.
- Pneumonia versus graft dysfunction as the cause of acute respiratory failure after lung transplant: a 4-year multicentre prospective study in 153 adults requiring intensive care admission. Mazo C, Pont T, Ballesteros MA, López E, Rellán L, Robles JC, Rello J. Eur Respir J. 2019 Oct 1;54(3). pii: 1801512. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01512-2018. Print 2019 Sep.
- Human metapneumovirus as cause of severe community-acquired pneumonia in adults: insights from a ten-year molecular and epidemiological analysis. Vidaur L, Totorika I, Montes M, Vicente D, Rello J, Cilla G. Ann Intensive Care. 2019 Jul 24;9(1):86. doi: 10.1186/s13613-019-0559-y.